static website


Embark on an AWS S3 adventure with our comprehensive guide to hosting static websites. Uncover the power of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as we take you through a guided lab that demystifies the process. Let’s dive into the intricacies of hosting static content seamlessly.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Static Websites
  3. Module 3 – Guided Lab: Hosting a Static Website
  4. Task 1: Creating a Bucket in Amazon S3
  5. Task 2: Uploading Content to Your Bucket
  6. Task 3: Enabling Access to Objects
  7. Task 4: Updating the Website
  8. Conclusion: Your Static Website Shines

Understanding Static Websites

Before we begin, let’s grasp the essence of static websites. They house fixed content without backend processing, making them ideal for HTML pages, images, style sheets, and more. Dive into the realm of static websites that leverage JavaScript for interactivity within the user’s web browser.

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