In this stage, you’ll step into the shoes of a DevOps engineer and deploy a static website onto a cloud platform.
– Cloud Platform: Choose a cloud platform of your preference (AWS EC2, Azure, etc) to deploy your website.
– Web Server: Select a web server software like NGINX or Apache to serve your static website content.
– Website Preparation: Ensure your static website files (HTML, CSS, Javascript) are ready for deployment.
– Server Configuration: Configure the chosen web server (NGINX or Apache) on your cloud instance to serve your website content.


Cloud Platform: AWS EC2 Azure or GCP (your choice)
Web Server: NGINX or Apache
Static Website: A ready-to-deploy static website project (HTML, CSS, Javascript) which includes your Name, username and email.
:memo: Acceptance Criteria:
Successful Deployment: Your static website is accessible through a public IP address or a domain name after deployment. The IP address shouldn’t include ports aside from port 80.
Web Server Configuration: The chosen web server (NGINX or Apache) is configured correctly to serve your website content.
:drawing_pin: Submission Mode:
Submit your task through the designated submission form. Ensure you’ve:
Double-checked all requirements and acceptance criteria.
Provide a link to your deployed website in the submission form.
Thoroughly review your work to ensure accuracy, functionality, and adherence to the specified guidelines before you submit it.
The website should mention HNG Internship and contain a link to

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